The Power of Employee Development: How to Place and Develop Your Employees for Maximum Impact

As a business consulting company, we understand the importance of having a team of skilled and talented employees. However, simply having talented individuals on your team isn't enough to guarantee success. It's essential to identify the current and potential skillset for each employee, then work to foster a dynamic that supports individual and team development. In this post, we'll discuss how to assess employee skills and talent, place them in ideal positions, and develop their skillset to be beneficial for both the employee and the company.

Assess Employee Skills and Talent

The first step in developing your team is to assess each employee's skills and talent. This assessment can take many forms, including performance evaluations, skill assessments, and personality tests. Some ways to assess employee skills and talent include:

  • Conducting regular performance reviews

  • Providing opportunities for employees to provide feedback

  • Offering skill assessments and personality tests

  • Providing training and development opportunities

Foster a Team Dynamic to Support Skills and Talent

Once you've assessed employee skills and talent, the next step is to ensure that not only is each employee in the right position, but that the dynamic within each team will support each persons/positions skillset. This often means providing clarity on how each role/position provides value to the team as a whole, but also allowing for flexibility of cross-functional work.

It also means that each employee is in a role that aligns with their skills, interests, and goals. Some ways to place employees in ideal positions include:

  • Managers should consider each employee's skills, experience, and interests when assigning tasks and projects

  • Offering cross-training opportunities to help employees develop new skills

  • Providing opportunities for employees to work on projects that align with their interests and goals

Develop Employee Skillsets

Lastly, it’s important that employers take an active interest in developing their employees skillsets. It creates higher engagement and investment into their work and their teams. This means providing opportunities for employees to learn new skills, take on new responsibilities, and advance in their careers. Some ways to develop employee skillsets include:

  • Providing on-the-job training and mentoring

  • Offering workshops, seminars, and training programs

  • Encouraging employees to pursue continuing education and professional development opportunities

  • Providing opportunities for employees to take on leadership roles and responsibilities

At this point, you may be asking yourself, why? It’s a lot of effort (and monetary investment) for employers to put into training people how to do their work. Maybe you’re thinking that it may be better just to “restructure” and rehire.

We’ve covered the costs of employee turnover, and how to prioritize retention in past posts. And it’s not just me. You can find article, after article, after article about how investing in employee retention will save companies HUGE amounts of money each year. What that means in practice is putting intention into employee and team development.

Employers focusing on employee development can yield numerous organizational benefits. Below are some key advantages that come from prioritizing and investing in the growth and development of employees:

  1. Increased Employee Engagement and Retention: When employers prioritize employee development, it demonstrates a commitment to the growth and well-being of their workforce. This, in turn, leads to higher levels of employee engagement and job satisfaction. Engaged employees are more likely to stay with the organization, reducing turnover and associated recruitment costs. They become more loyal, motivated, and dedicated to their work, resulting in increased productivity and improved overall performance.

  2. Enhanced Organizational Agility and Adaptability: Investing in employee development ensures that your workforce remains adaptable and equipped with up-to-date skills and knowledge. As industries and technologies evolve, employees with relevant and advanced skillsets are better positioned to navigate changing market demands. They can quickly learn and apply new tools, technologies, and best practices, enabling the organization to stay competitive and agile in a rapidly changing business landscape.

  3. Improved Succession Planning and Leadership Pipeline: Employee development plays a crucial role in succession planning and developing future leaders within the organization. By providing employees with opportunities for growth, mentoring, and leadership training, companies can identify and nurture talented individuals who have the potential to assume key leadership roles. Building a strong leadership pipeline ensures continuity, reduces the risk of talent gaps, and allows for seamless transitions during times of change or promotion.

  4. Enhanced Innovation and Creativity: Employees who feel supported in their professional growth are more likely to bring fresh ideas, innovation, and creativity to their roles. As employees develop new skills and expand their knowledge, they become better equipped to approach challenges from different perspectives, propose innovative solutions, and contribute to the overall innovation culture of the organization. This can lead to process improvements, product enhancements, and a competitive edge in the market.

  5. Positive Employer Brand and Reputation: Organizations that invest in employee development establish a positive employer brand and reputation. This reputation attracts top talent seeking growth opportunities and professional development. Word-of-mouth endorsements from satisfied employees can enhance the organization's external image, making it more appealing to potential candidates. A strong employer brand and reputation contribute to a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining top talent.

This post is a long one, because it’s a really important one. I’m the first to tell you that balance sheets and data crunching is important — that those hard numbers give up power and information in our decisions making. But too often those are the only pieces that are in focus. The “soft skills” of an organization can just as easily make or break the bank. Organizations that focus on nurturing their employees' skills and talents ultimately create a thriving and high-performing workforce, fostering long-term success in a rapidly evolving business landscape.