working together
Why Homeroom?
Remember in school when you had that overwhelming feeling of dread?
— with so many projects and day-to-day tasks keep track of
— when the procrastination was starting to bite
— and when there were so many moving pieces that you weren’t sure where to start
Where did you turn?
Who was there to give you a little push and guide you throughout the process?
Just like being back in school, Homeroom is here to help you excel.
We are the place to turn where you need a thought partner, and strategic guidance to move your business forward.
getting in the weeds

At Homeroom we work with a wide range of businesses
— from entrepreneurs, to restaurants, to agencies, to departmental teams within a larger organizations.
With each client, we focus on strategic problem solving in an effort to make your business more sustainable, efficient, and profitable.
Software Selection and Integration
Employee Development/Training
Pricing Strategy and Forecasting
Negotiation Coaching or Mediation
Presentation Creation & Preparation
Some common topics include:
Process and System Improvement
Expansion Planning and Execution
Branding and Marketing Strategy
Project Management
Data Analysis
What does it look like?
one-on-one consulting
As leaders in your business and in your industry, you have extensive knowledge and experience, but there are too many balls in the air to keep straight. Often, Homeroom’s consulting takes the shape of a thought partner — someone to help you prioritize and strategically plan so that you are more likely able to hit your annual target goals.
team development
You’re growing right now. In fact, you’ve grown so quickly that you’re noticing a few small holes in the boat. It’s not that the whole boat needs to be re-built, it’s just that a few teams or departments could use support. Homeroom can help maintain consistency and communication across teams and management.
on retainer
You need someone for longer than a few months of guidance. You need someone to get in the weeds — to research, sort through the stacks of chaos, and to organize implement long-term strategic systems and so you can level-up. Homeroom’s expertise can be a consistent part of your company on a part-time or full-time basis.

let’s get real
show me the money
Enough with the fancy words and business lingo.
In the end, it’s about the results, right?
Below is a comprehensive portfolio. You’ll see testimonials from clients, articles, and photos of speaking engagements or workshops. Also, check out all of our blog posts about client milestones and previous work done for great companies!
Have a look around. And when you’re ready, reach out to connect.
We’d love to work together!
“The amount of time, energy, and effort
that goes into guessing is SO MUCH
more than just doing”